An evening rite, stressing the Passion of Christ, adoring the cross, and celebrating mass, has long been observed in the Roman Catholic Church. 罗马天主教长期以来都举行晚间礼拜(在晚上有一个仪式),教会藉由强调基督的受难、仰望十字架并守弥撒(举行弥撒来守这个节日)。
"We have just seen Mel gibson's passion of the christ, now we have the passion of Adolf hitler." “我们刚刚看过了梅尔吉布森的《耶酥受难记》,现在我们又看到了《阿道夫希特勒受难记》。”
Matera was notably the setting for Mel Gibson's film'The Passion of the Christ '. 梅尔·吉布森的著名影片《耶稣受难记》就是在马特拉拍摄的。
2004-On Ash Wednesday, Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ is released in movie theaters across the United States, grossing approximately$ 370 million domestically. 2004年的今天,在复活节前的第七个星期三,梅尔·吉布森的电影《耶稣受难》在全美的影院中播映,国内票房总收入近3亿七千万美元。